There will be a change in the syllabus this week as I did not plan for the inaugeration of our new President. Since this is a historical event of large proportion we will be watching the presidential inauguration from 8am-10am in room 302-304 in lieu of regular class. I will still be taking roll call so please make it to class.
The syllabus will be moved up a day and other changes will be made in order to catch up. Read Rosario Castellanos' "The Death of the Tiger" before coming to class on Thursday (1/22), when we'll watch the second part of Guns, Germs, and Steel entitled "Conquest." In "Conquest" we learn how steel and guns quickly conquered the Incan nation effortlessly despite the conquistadores being outnumbered 100 to 1 thus changing the course of the future.
For Tuesday of Week 3 we'll get into more of the post-colonial theory that should ground us in what we're looking at in class. The reading for Tuesday (1/27) will be the Introduction (pg. 1-11) from the book, The Empire Writes Back by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. You can find this book on Google Books by Googling "The Empire Writes Back." This is a preview book so it skips every other page. I just received my copy of the book from Amazon so I can provide those missing pages in a timely manner. Also as a way to catch up, please have read "Dr. Wooreddy's Prescription for Enduring the End of the World" for that day.
The homework due for Week 2 by Jan 24 by 11:59PM will be a response to the study questions to "Death of the Tiger."
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